Wednesday, October 30, 2019

H.W Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

H.W - Assignment Example For managers, allowing employees to work in teams influences the success of the organization, but this also requires the application of work design as a way of fostering high productivity for the same. Therefore, it is imperative for managers to innovate ways that can help in improving team performance for the benefit of the organization and the target market that they serve. One way of a manager can improve team performance can be through the fostering of cohesion within the team by making sure that they treat them fairly and without any bias. Further, providing of equal opportunities to all can also influence team performance as it helps in drawing out the best nof each team member for the benefit of the organization. Motivation is also another way that a manager can use for influencing team performance by providing bonuses to those that perform extraordinarily, which can also influence other team members to be better. As the team leader, the first step would be to allow each of the six team members to provide their ideas on which of the recommended software is the best and also allow them to provide reasons for them supporting or not supporting this software. Therefore, my plan would be to assign each of the team members to research on the possible software that the insurance company is likely to purchase and allow them to gather information on the merits and demerits of each of these. This would help each of the team members to participate in the process and allow each of them to contribute fairly rather than shooting the ideas of each other down. The least effective team that I have ever worked with is that which recommends things to be done as this does not see through that the ideas that they provide are implemented. One characteristic that this team had was that its only involvement was in the planning and research process of product or

Monday, October 28, 2019

Past Movements in Education and Analysis of Curricuar Reforms Essay Example for Free

Past Movements in Education and Analysis of Curricuar Reforms Essay For an individual, it must be treated as a continuous process that should not end when graduation rites in each particular level of schooling are being held. True education is life, it must always be a part of our daily living, whether through formal or informal means. Educational systems in general, and educational curriculum in particular, also need not to be static. The curriculum should respond to the demands of a fast-changing society. To some extent, it should also be global or internationally-aligned. These are the reasons why foreign and local educational educators in the past and until now have been introducing educational reforms and innovations. They have been searching means to address the problems being met in the implementation of a certain curriculums and to ensure the total development of every learner. I. The Past Movements for Social Change in the School System Social change affects education. Centuries ago, pioneers of education have sought to introduce renewal in education. Their ideas were far ahead than the actual renewal that took place later on. Among them were Commenius, Condorcet, Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Froebel, Dewey, Drecoly, Montessori and Freinet. 1. Johann Amos Commenius -â€Å"Father of Modern Education† Most permanent educational influences: a. practical educational work Comenius was first a teacher and an organizer of schools, not only among his own people, but later in Sweden, and to a slight extent in Holland. In his Didactica Magna (Great Didactic), he outlined a system of schools that is the exact counterpart of the existing American system of kindergarten, elementary school, secondary school, college, and university. Didactica Magna is an educational treatise which aimed to seek and find a method of instruction by which teachers may teach less but learners may learn more, by which the school may be the scene of less noise, aversion, and useless labor, but of more leisure, enjoyment and solid progress; and through which the Christian community may have less darkness, perplexity (confusion) and dissension (disagreement), but on the other hand, more light, orderliness, peace and rest. b. formulating the general theory of education In this respect he is the forerunner of Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Froebel, etc. and is the first to formulate that idea of â€Å"education according to nature† so influential during the latter part of the eighteenth and early part of the nineteenth century. c. the subject matter and method of education -exerted through a series of textbooks of an entirely new nature His published works: Janua Linguarum Reserata (The Gateway of Language Unlocked) contained his convictio n (certainty) that one of the prerequisites for effective educational reform was a fundamental change in language of instruction. Orbis Pictus (The World of Sensible Things Pictured) contributed to the development of the principles of audio-visual interaction. It was the first successful applications of illustrations to the work of teaching, but not the first illustrated book for children. Schola Ludus (School as Play) a detailed exposition of the doctrine that all learning should be made interesting, dramatic and stimulating. These texts were all based on the same fundamental ideas: (1) learning foreign languages through the vernacular; (2) obtaining ideas through objects rather than words; (3) starting with objects most familiar to the child to introduce him to both the new language and the more remote world of objects: (4) giving the child a comprehensive knowledge of his environment, physical and social, as well as instruction in religious, moral, and classical subjects; (5) making this acquisition of a compendium of knowledge a pleasure rather than a task; and (6) making instruction universal. He also developed the pansophic scheme, the view that education should take the whole of human knowledge as its universe. For him, truth was indivisible and was to be seen as a whole. Thus by relating each subject to every other subject and to general principles, pansophia was to make the learner capable of wisdom. 2. Marquis De Condorcet Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat took his title Marquis de Condorcet from the town of Condorcet in Dauphine. He advocated that the aims of education were: o cultivate in each generation the physical, intellectual and moral facilities and, thereby contribute to the general and gradual improvement of the human race. He envisioned a national system of public education designed to develop the natural talents of all, making real equality possible. His proposals of the five levels of public instructions areas follows: 1. Elementary- for the teaching of the ‘elements’ of all knowledge (reading, writing, arithmetic, morals, economics and n atural science)and would be compulsory for all four years 2. Secondary school- of three years’ duration, teaching grammar, history and geography, one foreign language, the mechanical arts, law and mathematics. The teaching at this and the first level would be non-specialized. 3. Institutes- responsible for ‘substituting reasoning for eloquence and books for speech, and for bringing philosophy and the physical science methodology into the moral sciences’. The teaching at this level would be more specialized. Pupils would choose their own course of study (at least two courses a year) from among four classes: mathematics and physics, moral and political sciences, science as applied to the arts, and literature and fine arts. 4. Lycee the equivalent of universities, with the same classes as the institutes and ‘where all the sciences are taught in full. It is there that scholars-teachers receive their further training’. Education at this and the first three levels was to be entirely free of charge. 5. National Society of Science and the Arts a research institute responsible for supervising the formal education system as a whole and for appointing teachers. Its role would be one of scientific and pedagogical research. 3. Jean Jacques Rousseau According to the history of education, he was the first great writer to insist that education should be based upon the nature of the child. Rousseau’s Emile is a kind of half treatise, half novel that tells the life story of a fictional man named Emile. In the history of education, the significant contributions of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi are: 1) his educational philosophy and instructional method that encouraged harmonious intellectual, moral, and physical development Pestalozzis most systematic work, How Gertrude Teaches Her Children (1801) was a critique of conventional schooling and a prescription for educational reform. Rejecting corporal punishment, rote memorization, and bookishness, Pestalozzi envisioned schools that were homelike institutions where teachers actively engaged students in learning by sensory experiences. Such schools were to educate individuals who were well rounded intellectually, morally, and physically. Through engagement in activities, students were to learn useful vocations that complemented their other studies. 2) his methodology of empirical sensory learning, especially through object lessons Pestalozzi designed object lessons in which children, guided by teachers, examined the form (shape), number (quantity and weight) of objects, and named them after direct experience with them. 3) his use of activities, excursions, and nature studies that anticipated Progressive education. He also emphasized the importance of the nature of the child and propounded (advocated) that in the educational process, the child must be thought in relation to the subject matter. He sought to understand the nature of the child and to build his teaching around the natural, progressive and harmonious development of all the powers and capacities. He is an advocate of each man’s right to education and of society’s duty to implement that right and pave the way to universal national education. His motto Learning by head, hand and heart is still a key principle in successful 21st-century schools. 5. Friedrich Froebel The German educator, Friedrich Froebel, was one of these pioneers of early childhood educational reform. Froebel’s educational principles: a) free self-activity As an educator, Froebel believed that stimulating voluntary self-activity in the young child was the necessary form of pre-school education (Watson, 1997a). Self-activity is defined as the development of qualities and skills that make it possible to take an invisible idea and make it a reality; self-activity involves formulating a purpose, planning out that purpose, and then acting on that plan until the purpose is realized (Corbett, 1998a). Corbett suggests that one of Froebels significant contributions to early childhood education was his theory of introducing play as a means of engaging children in self-activity for the purpose of externalizing their inner natures. ) creativity Froebel designed a series of instructional materials that he called gifts and occupations, which demonstrated certain relationships and led children in comparison, testing, and creative exploration activities (Watson, 1997b). A gift was an object provided for a child to play withsuch as a sphere, cube, or cylinderwhich helped the child to understand and internalize the concepts of shape, dimension, size, and their relationships (Staff, 1998). The occupations were items such as aints and clay which the children could use to make what they wished; through the occupations, children externalized the concepts existing within their creative minds (Staff, 1998). Therefore, through the childs own self-activity and creative imaginative play, the child would begin to understand both the inner and outer properties of things as he moves through the developmental stages of the educational process. c) social participation A third component of Froebels educational plan involved working closely with the family unit. Froebel believed that parents provided the first as well as the most consistent educational influence in a childs life. Since a childs first educational experiences occur within the family unit, he is already familiar with the home d) motor expression Motor expression, which refers to learning by doing as opposed to following rote instructions, is a very important aspect of Froebels educational principles. Froebel did not believe that the child should be placed into societys mold, but should be allowed to shape his own mold and grow at his own pace through the developmental stages of the educational process. 6. John Dewey He contributed the educational philosophy which maintains that education is life, education is growth and education is a continuous reconstruction of human experiences from the beginning to the end of life. He was the spokes person of progressive education which states that aims have significance only for persons, not for processes such as education, and arise only in response to problematic situations in ongoing activities. Aims are to be viewed as anticipated outcomes of transactions, as intrinsic aspects of the process of problem-solving, and as a motivating force behind the individual’s approach to problem-solving situations. The Progressive Education Association, inspired by Dewey’s ideas, later codified his doctrines as follows: a. The conduct of the pupils shall be governed by themselves, according to the social needs of the community. b. Interest shall be the motive for all work. c. Teachers will inspire a desire for knowledge, and will serve as guides in the investigations undertaken, rather than as task-masters. d. Scientific study of each pupil’s development, physical, mental, social and spiritual, is absolutely essential to the intelligent direction of his development. . Greater attention is paid to the child’s physical needs, with greater use of the out-of-doors. f. Cooperation between school and home will fill all needs of the child’s development such as music, dancing, play and other extra-curricular activities. g. All progressive schools will look upon their work as of the laboratory type, giving freely to the sum of educational knowledge the results of their experi ments in child culture. He believed that education has two sides: the psychological and the social on the same plane. Education must start from the psychological nature of the child as the basis for directing his energies into totally useful channels. Schools must be set up to include bond the individual and social goals. The needs of a new society are to be taken into consideration in modifying methods and curriculum. 7. Ovide Decroly He influenced instruction in the kindergarten, the aim of which was to guide the child’s desire for activity and to give him a sense of discipline and norms for his social behavior (same with Dewey) 8. Maria Montessori Maria Montessori left a long lasting mark on education around the world.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Teaching Techniques for Different Learning Styles Essay example -- Ess

Teaching Techniques for Different Learning Styles As teachers we will be faced with many difficult tasks one of which will be finding creative ways to motivate the children in our classes to learn. There are so many teaching techniques it may be overwhelming for new teachers. With the emphasis on test scores and the â€Å"No Child Left Behind† Act many teachers may fear being creative in the classroom. This paper will attempt to explore some creative teaching techniques. Recently there has been much discussion about different learning styles. As teachers it is important that we try to teach to all the styles in order for the children in our classes to be motivated to learn. Flexibility and creativity can aid teaching different learning styles. According to an article in â€Å"Helping Children Succeed† there are 3 main types of learning styles, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Visual learners learn by watching, calling up images from the past when trying to remember, and picturing the way things look in their heads. Auditory learners learn by listening. Kinesthetic learns learn best through movement and manipulation. (Learning Styles, n.d.) Forty percent of the population is visual learners. Some tips for teaching visual learners include: - Written instruction for all assignments and tests - Use visual aids: handouts, outlines, charts, graphs, etc. - Make flashcards - Use lots of pictures - Provide examples In elementary classrooms teachers can have posters and charts that are relevant to the curriculum. Labeling items in the classroom is good for pre- and early readers. For older children watching age appropriate movies is helpful in history and social studies. Graphs and charts are helpful in math and sc... ...sed Teaching and Learning. Intervention in School & Clinic, 37 (4), 237-242. Kozminsky, E. & Kozminsky, L. (2002). The Dialogue Page: Teacher and Student Dialogues to Improve Learning Motivation. Intervention in School & Clinic, 38 (2), 88-96. Lenz, K., Graner, P., & Adams, G. (2003). Learning Express-Ways: Building Academic Relationships to Improve Learning. Teaching Exceptional Children, 35 (3), 68-71. Wilms, W. (2003). Altering the Structure and Culture of American Public Schools. Phi Delta Kappan, 84 (8), 606-616. Steele, M. (2001). Ambush or Seduction? Some Creative Approaches Towards Motivating Learners. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 38 (2), 112-118. Rejskind, G. (2000). TAG Teachers: Only the Creative Need Apply. Roeper Review, 22 (3), 153-158. For the Classroom. (1994). Interventions in School & Clinic, 29 (5), 310-312.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Team Assignment

Dry. Michael Ordain, a professor of chemistry. After sensing the commercial application of several of his patented Polymer processes, Dry. Ordain started Ordain Plastics, Inc. , which initially focused on research and development. In 1992, Dry. Ordain acquired venture capital and purchased a manufacturing facility. Ordain Manufacturing Inc. Has since grown into a global organization that specializes in the manufacturing of molded plastic products. With revenues in excess of $1 billion,Ordain employs 550 people and has projected annual earnings of $46 million. The organization operates three separate manufacturing facilities in Albany GA, Pontiac MI, and a Joint venture In Hangout, China providing products to the Department of Defense, automotive parts manufacturers, beverage makers, bottlers, appliance manufacturers, and aircraft manufacturers (Apollo Group Inc. 2013). Although the company's headquarters Is in San Jose, California. Ordain Manufacturing Account Models Ordain Manufactu ring accounting modules consist of the following components: 1 . General Ledger 2. 3. 5. 8. 10. 2.System) Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Order Entry Procurement sales and Purchasing History Invoicing and Shipping Payroll Financial Reporting EDI* (Electronic Data Interchange) Bar code Reading* DEEDS (Executive Decision Support tofu *San Jose Only (Apollo Group Inc. 2013). The accounting systems used by Ordain are different at each of the company's facilities. The San Jose facility uses an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) integrated system for manufacturing, distribution and financial management specifically engineered for plastic and plastic parts manufacturing (Apollo Group Inc. 2013). The software is Windows integrated.ERP is a well-known system and many successful organizations use ERP solutions. Ordain could benefit by deploying ERP software across the enterprise. The Michigan facility uses a vendor developed software application. Software vendors support software through lifestyle management and stop supporting software and applications as new products are developed and released. The vendor who provided Radian's software went out of business, and support is nonexistent. The system is a VIM Operating system with VACANCY workstations. Finding another vendor to support the systems would be official, if not impossible.The Georgia site has also purchased a vendor developed software and application. This server is running a UNIX operating system with Windows client workstations. With this disparity between facilities, the accounting systems are not running as smooth as Ordain desires. Ordain would like to have a seamless environment for the accounting system users. Hardcore's and conversion-intensive data files are used to transfer data between sites. If a hardcopy of data is provided, the employee at the receiving site often must re-enter the data into his or her system.Many accounting functions are taking considerably longer to complete than they shoul d. The audits are expensive and time-consuming to run. Remaining compliant with new government required reporting is difficult. This situation is unacceptable to the organization and a better solution is required immediately. Ordain Manufacturing inventory is crucial to its manufacturing processes and budgeting projections. Accounting software shows the current stock in the warehouse and identifies the materials that need to be reordered.Inventory consists of raw materials, finished materials, tools, parts, supplies, and fixtures. Ordain Manufacturing needs to keep accurate accountability of its inventory in order to run efficiently. Ordain manufacturing would benefit by using an inventory software module to see a real-time picture of what inventory is currently in the warehouse and on the manufacturing floors, and what portion of raw material has been processed into finished products. This can help with accuracy when projecting man-hour requirements, order fulfillment, and shipping quotas.The company can also use inventory software to track the volume of supplies needed to produce products and maintain the equipment. Another important accounting software module for Ordain Manufacturing is the Job cost module. Job cost software evaluates specific materials and processes to determine the cost associated with the production off product, such as a plastic bottle. The Job cost software can help determine if any of the associated activities need to be evaluated for efficiency or if any of the materials can be used more efficiently in the process.Any improvements to efficiency will help increase pronto For example, Petrochemical is an ingredient that comes from oil used to create plastic. If the price of oil rises so will the cost to create plastic and sell a product made of plastic, such as a plastic bottle. Ordain Manufacturing produces many types of plastics, so the Job cost software is extremely beneficial in confronting changes in a turbulent economy affecting the price of oil used to create plastics.Ordain Manufacturing is a cutting-edge research and development company, which has expanded considerably since its initial startup in the early ass. The company has added new manufacturing and production facilities and has expanded its operation worldwide. The previous technologies and practices in use at the geographically separated locations have remained intact and are vastly different across the company. Ordain Manufacturing will benefit by integrating the finance and accounting subsystems into one Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system (fig. L).This solution allows Ordain manufacturing facilities and departments to interact together in one communicating information system. Systems Connected to the Accounting System Ordain Manufacturing has a very inadequate accounting software system. The company's locations are Georgia, Michigan, California, and a venture in the People's Republic of China. Radian's facilities need to be connected to a central financial accounting system. The systems currently in place are desperate and inconsistent and include a manual input system that was once updated at the San Jose Corporate facility.This is not an inefficient way to track of any aspect of the accounting operation. Ordain Manufacturing needs an updated financial accounting system that can produce data and reports in a standardized format across all facilities. The reports that are generated throughout the Ordain Manufacturing are; accounts payable, accounts receivable, and inventory. Other accounting aspect that must be centralized are payroll, purchase orders and invoicing, vendor information, products, sales, and shipping and receiving.Ordain Manufacturing must accurately maintain its general ledger using Internet access, so that all of the information from the separate facilities is processed and stored at the San Jose headquarters facility. This will ensure that all accounting information is up to date and will provide managers the ability to make better business decisions. Other accounting information such as employee timeshares, payroll, payouts, vacations and sick leave should be revised to a consistent format across the facilities.Each of Ordain Manufacturing facility accounts receivable and accounts payable must be connected to the central location, so that reports are accurate about payout and revenue owed to the company. Accounts receivables and accounts payable are main accounts for revenue in and out of Ordain Manufacturing corporate office. Connecting this system to the main system would help prevent potential trade cases . All areas to Ordain Manufacturing inventory added to the new system establish inventory control, such as ordering, stocking, reordering, replacement, and waste materials.This will maintain information about the availability of stock, what needs reordering during off-peak and peak season and what the expectations of customers and vendors are to receive of delivery. Thi s cut down on inadequate of over stocking, purchasing of unused and unnecessary products, and delivery establishes a more efficient response time for customers. Analysis of Radian's Balance Sheet and Income Statement (Keith) An assessment of Ordain Manufacturing lance sheet provides evidence of consistency for several years with a steady increase of profitability over the last two.Ordain has added company assets and resources by acquiring additional geographically separate production sites, thus driving up the long term debt estimated over nine million dollars up from approximately a million dollars during the previous year. Through this costly expansion, Ordain was still able to retain a comfortable profit margin with an increase of approximately 11 percent in total stockholders' equity from $29,946,992 in 2010 to over $33,447,982 in 2011.This, in itself, makes Ordain very attractive to future stockholders and potential investors. Ordain Manufacturing common stock remains steady fr om last year at $29,055,488; however, produced an almost five hundred percent increase in retained earnings. The retained earnings or retained surplus provides the ability for Ordain Manufacturing to reinvest these gains back into the company for reallocated funds or to lower the long-term debt from the recent expansions at the acquired production sites and international location.These earnings are critical in maintaining the company's founder, Dry. Ordain, vision to remain the industry leader in research and development. Research and development will be tremendously aided by purchasing new, innovated machinery, high-end information systems and funds for increased research and development. Ordain maintains a considerable amount of tangible assets for liquidation; to include accounts receivable, on-hand cash, inventories, and possessions that are readily available if needed.During the review of the income statement, Ordain Manufacturing, successfully increased sales from 2010 to 2011 by 15%, while he direct costs of goods sustain a 17% increase. Total operating expenses remained constant, yet the company prospered significantly by a 40% profit before interest and taxes. This is very valuable information to capture company earnings and relay the information to investors. Radian's income statement not only captures the profits gained versus loss ratios, but also it offers insight into the management of the organization.Management at Ordain is currently maximizing use of its resources and capitalizing on the goods sold while retaining the ability to plan ahead toward he company's goal of maintained its lead in its industry. Radian's income statement illustrates a high rate of return for the business sales and garners a positive outlook of how Ordain is investing and reinvesting the funds directly under management's control. Radian's income statement provided a positive report on the specific dates and times, while the balance sheet captured data tort a particular moment in time.Ordain has a diversified customer base, and provides high quality plastic products to several private sector customers including automotive parts manufacturers, beverage makers, bottlers, appliance manufacturers, and aircraft manufacturers, and to the Government sector, providing military specification reduces to the department of defense (Apollo Group Inc. 2013). The analysis conducted on Radian's accounting system revealed that the company has a very desperate, and mostly unsupported accounting systems.Each facility is handling accounting data using different systems and software. Data that is sent back to the headquarters facility is not formatted consistently or recorded using the same media. Ordain Manufacturing San Jose location uses an effective Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution and it is highly suggested that this system be replicated to he other facilities, or that another ERP solution be examined and considered to take the place of the current syst em, as well as to be deployed to the other facilities.Ordain Manufacturing would benefit by adding new accounting modules such as inventory, Job cost, and systems manager modules to increase efficiency and provide accurate information for the management to base its decisions on. The new modules would also help decrease the company's dependence on borrowed be d t. Ordain Manufacturing balance sheet and income statement show that the company is in a stable position. As illustrated in the graph (Fig. 2), Radian's current ratio has increased over the last two years after dropping in 2009. (Apollo Group Inc. , 2013) (Apollo Group Inc. 2013) In order to continue expansion and increase profitability, Ordain Manufacturing must enhance its operations with efficiency and strategy. A zero-based budget and a performance-based budget would change the direction of the company preventing it from becoming a high risk to lenders, and allowing the company to enjoy profits consistently each year. Orda in Manufacturing values its customers, so it must take tepees to ensure financial reports are accurate, and up to date, providing clear and concise evidence that the company is generating the revenue to be successful. Team Assignment Dry. Michael Ordain, a professor of chemistry. After sensing the commercial application of several of his patented Polymer processes, Dry. Ordain started Ordain Plastics, Inc. , which initially focused on research and development. In 1992, Dry. Ordain acquired venture capital and purchased a manufacturing facility. Ordain Manufacturing Inc. Has since grown into a global organization that specializes in the manufacturing of molded plastic products. With revenues in excess of $1 billion,Ordain employs 550 people and has projected annual earnings of $46 million. The organization operates three separate manufacturing facilities in Albany GA, Pontiac MI, and a Joint venture In Hangout, China providing products to the Department of Defense, automotive parts manufacturers, beverage makers, bottlers, appliance manufacturers, and aircraft manufacturers (Apollo Group Inc. 2013). Although the company's headquarters Is in San Jose, California. Ordain Manufacturing Account Models Ordain Manufactu ring accounting modules consist of the following components: 1 . General Ledger 2. 3. 5. 8. 10. 2.System) Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Order Entry Procurement sales and Purchasing History Invoicing and Shipping Payroll Financial Reporting EDI* (Electronic Data Interchange) Bar code Reading* DEEDS (Executive Decision Support tofu *San Jose Only (Apollo Group Inc. 2013). The accounting systems used by Ordain are different at each of the company's facilities. The San Jose facility uses an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) integrated system for manufacturing, distribution and financial management specifically engineered for plastic and plastic parts manufacturing (Apollo Group Inc. 2013). The software is Windows integrated.ERP is a well-known system and many successful organizations use ERP solutions. Ordain could benefit by deploying ERP software across the enterprise. The Michigan facility uses a vendor developed software application. Software vendors support software through lifestyle management and stop supporting software and applications as new products are developed and released. The vendor who provided Radian's software went out of business, and support is nonexistent. The system is a VIM Operating system with VACANCY workstations. Finding another vendor to support the systems would be official, if not impossible.The Georgia site has also purchased a vendor developed software and application. This server is running a UNIX operating system with Windows client workstations. With this disparity between facilities, the accounting systems are not running as smooth as Ordain desires. Ordain would like to have a seamless environment for the accounting system users. Hardcore's and conversion-intensive data files are used to transfer data between sites. If a hardcopy of data is provided, the employee at the receiving site often must re-enter the data into his or her system.Many accounting functions are taking considerably longer to complete than they shoul d. The audits are expensive and time-consuming to run. Remaining compliant with new government required reporting is difficult. This situation is unacceptable to the organization and a better solution is required immediately. Ordain Manufacturing inventory is crucial to its manufacturing processes and budgeting projections. Accounting software shows the current stock in the warehouse and identifies the materials that need to be reordered.Inventory consists of raw materials, finished materials, tools, parts, supplies, and fixtures. Ordain Manufacturing needs to keep accurate accountability of its inventory in order to run efficiently. Ordain manufacturing would benefit by using an inventory software module to see a real-time picture of what inventory is currently in the warehouse and on the manufacturing floors, and what portion of raw material has been processed into finished products. This can help with accuracy when projecting man-hour requirements, order fulfillment, and shipping quotas.The company can also use inventory software to track the volume of supplies needed to produce products and maintain the equipment. Another important accounting software module for Ordain Manufacturing is the Job cost module. Job cost software evaluates specific materials and processes to determine the cost associated with the production off product, such as a plastic bottle. The Job cost software can help determine if any of the associated activities need to be evaluated for efficiency or if any of the materials can be used more efficiently in the process.Any improvements to efficiency will help increase pronto For example, Petrochemical is an ingredient that comes from oil used to create plastic. If the price of oil rises so will the cost to create plastic and sell a product made of plastic, such as a plastic bottle. Ordain Manufacturing produces many types of plastics, so the Job cost software is extremely beneficial in confronting changes in a turbulent economy affecting the price of oil used to create plastics.Ordain Manufacturing is a cutting-edge research and development company, which has expanded considerably since its initial startup in the early ass. The company has added new manufacturing and production facilities and has expanded its operation worldwide. The previous technologies and practices in use at the geographically separated locations have remained intact and are vastly different across the company. Ordain Manufacturing will benefit by integrating the finance and accounting subsystems into one Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system (fig. L).This solution allows Ordain manufacturing facilities and departments to interact together in one communicating information system. Systems Connected to the Accounting System Ordain Manufacturing has a very inadequate accounting software system. The company's locations are Georgia, Michigan, California, and a venture in the People's Republic of China. Radian's facilities need to be connected to a central financial accounting system. The systems currently in place are desperate and inconsistent and include a manual input system that was once updated at the San Jose Corporate facility.This is not an inefficient way to track of any aspect of the accounting operation. Ordain Manufacturing needs an updated financial accounting system that can produce data and reports in a standardized format across all facilities. The reports that are generated throughout the Ordain Manufacturing are; accounts payable, accounts receivable, and inventory. Other accounting aspect that must be centralized are payroll, purchase orders and invoicing, vendor information, products, sales, and shipping and receiving.Ordain Manufacturing must accurately maintain its general ledger using Internet access, so that all of the information from the separate facilities is processed and stored at the San Jose headquarters facility. This will ensure that all accounting information is up to date and will provide managers the ability to make better business decisions. Other accounting information such as employee timeshares, payroll, payouts, vacations and sick leave should be revised to a consistent format across the facilities.Each of Ordain Manufacturing facility accounts receivable and accounts payable must be connected to the central location, so that reports are accurate about payout and revenue owed to the company. Accounts receivables and accounts payable are main accounts for revenue in and out of Ordain Manufacturing corporate office. Connecting this system to the main system would help prevent potential trade cases . All areas to Ordain Manufacturing inventory added to the new system establish inventory control, such as ordering, stocking, reordering, replacement, and waste materials.This will maintain information about the availability of stock, what needs reordering during off-peak and peak season and what the expectations of customers and vendors are to receive of delivery. Thi s cut down on inadequate of over stocking, purchasing of unused and unnecessary products, and delivery establishes a more efficient response time for customers. Analysis of Radian's Balance Sheet and Income Statement (Keith) An assessment of Ordain Manufacturing lance sheet provides evidence of consistency for several years with a steady increase of profitability over the last two.Ordain has added company assets and resources by acquiring additional geographically separate production sites, thus driving up the long term debt estimated over nine million dollars up from approximately a million dollars during the previous year. Through this costly expansion, Ordain was still able to retain a comfortable profit margin with an increase of approximately 11 percent in total stockholders' equity from $29,946,992 in 2010 to over $33,447,982 in 2011.This, in itself, makes Ordain very attractive to future stockholders and potential investors. Ordain Manufacturing common stock remains steady fr om last year at $29,055,488; however, produced an almost five hundred percent increase in retained earnings. The retained earnings or retained surplus provides the ability for Ordain Manufacturing to reinvest these gains back into the company for reallocated funds or to lower the long-term debt from the recent expansions at the acquired production sites and international location.These earnings are critical in maintaining the company's founder, Dry. Ordain, vision to remain the industry leader in research and development. Research and development will be tremendously aided by purchasing new, innovated machinery, high-end information systems and funds for increased research and development. Ordain maintains a considerable amount of tangible assets for liquidation; to include accounts receivable, on-hand cash, inventories, and possessions that are readily available if needed.During the review of the income statement, Ordain Manufacturing, successfully increased sales from 2010 to 2011 by 15%, while he direct costs of goods sustain a 17% increase. Total operating expenses remained constant, yet the company prospered significantly by a 40% profit before interest and taxes. This is very valuable information to capture company earnings and relay the information to investors. Radian's income statement not only captures the profits gained versus loss ratios, but also it offers insight into the management of the organization.Management at Ordain is currently maximizing use of its resources and capitalizing on the goods sold while retaining the ability to plan ahead toward he company's goal of maintained its lead in its industry. Radian's income statement illustrates a high rate of return for the business sales and garners a positive outlook of how Ordain is investing and reinvesting the funds directly under management's control. Radian's income statement provided a positive report on the specific dates and times, while the balance sheet captured data tort a particular moment in time.Ordain has a diversified customer base, and provides high quality plastic products to several private sector customers including automotive parts manufacturers, beverage makers, bottlers, appliance manufacturers, and aircraft manufacturers, and to the Government sector, providing military specification reduces to the department of defense (Apollo Group Inc. 2013). The analysis conducted on Radian's accounting system revealed that the company has a very desperate, and mostly unsupported accounting systems.Each facility is handling accounting data using different systems and software. Data that is sent back to the headquarters facility is not formatted consistently or recorded using the same media. Ordain Manufacturing San Jose location uses an effective Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution and it is highly suggested that this system be replicated to he other facilities, or that another ERP solution be examined and considered to take the place of the current syst em, as well as to be deployed to the other facilities.Ordain Manufacturing would benefit by adding new accounting modules such as inventory, Job cost, and systems manager modules to increase efficiency and provide accurate information for the management to base its decisions on. The new modules would also help decrease the company's dependence on borrowed be d t. Ordain Manufacturing balance sheet and income statement show that the company is in a stable position. As illustrated in the graph (Fig. 2), Radian's current ratio has increased over the last two years after dropping in 2009. (Apollo Group Inc. , 2013) (Apollo Group Inc. 2013) In order to continue expansion and increase profitability, Ordain Manufacturing must enhance its operations with efficiency and strategy. A zero-based budget and a performance-based budget would change the direction of the company preventing it from becoming a high risk to lenders, and allowing the company to enjoy profits consistently each year. Orda in Manufacturing values its customers, so it must take tepees to ensure financial reports are accurate, and up to date, providing clear and concise evidence that the company is generating the revenue to be successful.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comprehensive Health Assessment Paper Essay

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the results of a comprehensive health assessment on a patient of my choosing. This comprehensive assessment included the patient’s complete health history and a head-to-toe physical examination. The complete health history information was obtained by interviewing the patient, who was considered to be a reliable source. Other sources of data, such as medical records, were not available at the time of the interview. Physical examination data was obtained through inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation techniques. The case study results are interpreted from the perspective of a registered nurse, and three nursing diagnoses are identified. Biographic Data M. H. is a 63-year-old married white female. She is currently unemployed for four months. Her most recent employment of seven years was as a private home health aid for a friend’s elderly parents who have since passed away. She was born in Buffalo, New York into a family of German decent. She currently lives in a suburb of Buffalo, N. Y. English is her primary language. Culture and Spirituality M. H. was raised in a traditional German family where her father was the head of the household. However, her father and mother made many decisions mutually and shared household chores (Purnell, 2014). Her father was an Air Force pilot during World War II, and then worked as a chemical engineer until retirement. The household atmosphere was loving and respectful. She and her five siblings were brought up as Roman Catholics. They were expected to be polite, use table manners, be on-time to meals, respect their elders, do as they were told, share, finish their chores before recreating, get good grades in school, pray before meals and at bedtime, and attend church every Sunday and on holy days (Purnell, 2014) . Past Health History When she was a child, M. H. did not have any serious illness, nor does she have any chronic illnesses currently. She did, however, have a severe case of chickenpox when she was about 3-years-old, and shingles about 18 years ago. M. H. has not been in any major accidents or had any life-threatening injuries during her life. She has been hospitalized two times for childbirth. Her obstetric history includes Gravida 2/Term 2/Preterm 0/Abortion 0/Living 2. Both births were uncomplicated vaginal deliveries. Surgical history includes tubal ligation at age 24, and removal of benign cysts in her left breast, left cheek, and left wrist between the years 1998-2003. All of her childhood vaccinations are up to date. She gets vaccinated for influenza almost every year, but she did not get vaccinated this season. She received the varicella zoster virus vaccine in February, 2015; no reactions noted. Her last tetanus shot was more 10 years ago. She denies ever having been exposed to tuberculosis (TB), and nor has she ever had a TB skin test (Jarvis, 2012). M. H. sees her primary physician every year for a physical. Her last physical was in February, 2014. She also sees her dentist annually for a check-up and cleaning. She is currently scheduled for April, 2015. As a child she never needed corrective lenses, but for the last 15 years she has needed glasses for reading. Therefore, her vision is checked annually, most recent appointment having been in January, 2015. Because she has a history of benign cysts in her breast tissue, she gets a mammogram every five years. Her last mammogram was in 2010. Results of her Pap tests have never been abnormal. She cannot recall the date of her last gynecological exam. She also gets a coloscopy every couple of years, since her father died of colon cancer. In relation to allergies, M. H. has no known drug allergies. Current over-the-counter medications include an occasional 400-600 mg dose of ibuprofen for â€Å"aches and pains†, a daily vitamin, and melatonin for insomnia, and antacids, such as Tums, for her â€Å"heartburn†. Her current prescription medications include a 225 mg tablet of Venlafaxine HCL once  daily for anxiety related dizziness, and a 20 mg tablet of Atorvastatin for high cholesterol. She drinks alcohol socially, approximately two 12 ounce beers a day. She is a former smoker of one pack of cigarettes a day for nearly forty years. Her quite date was September, 2011. She denies the use of street drugs. Review of Systems M. H. states that she is generally in good overall health. No cardiac, respiratory, endocrine, vascular, musculoskeletal, urinary, hematologic, neurologic, genitourinary, or gastrointestinal problems. No history of skin disease. Skin is pink, dry, and void of bruising, rashes, or lesions. No recent hair loss; head is normocephalic. Pupils equally reactive to light; no history of glaucoma or cataracts. Ears are in normal alignment; no history of chronic infections, hearing loss, tinnitus, or discharge. Nose and sinus history includes clear nasal discharge â€Å"since last October†, and occasional nose bleeds; states she use to get nose bleeds often as a child. Mouth and throat are absent of lesions; no bleeding gums, sore throat, dysphagia, hoarseness, or altered taste. Neck is void of pain, swelling, tender nodes, and goiter; full range of motion. M.H. states that she performs self breast exams routinely and denies any lumps or discharge. Lungs are clear; peripheral pulses present bilaterally; capillary refill less than 3 seconds. Heart rate is in normal sinus. Bowel sounds are present in all quadrants. Her psychosocial status is appropriate. M. H. denies recent weight change, weakness, fever, sweats, or fatigue (Jarvis, 2012). Abnormal findings include an elevated cholesterol level, which is also familial. Furthermore, she has a history of stress related anxiety, and was diagnosed with anxiety related dizziness in 2012. She states that before she started taking a medication her doctor prescribed, her dizzy spells could happen at any time. As a result, she avoids certain situations, such as riding in a boat. Functional Assessment After graduating from Bryant and Stratton business school in her early twenties, M. H. spent 15 years as a manager of several apartment complexes. She then worked as a manager of a retail mini-mart for the next 15 years until she got layed-off. Meanwhile, with the help of her siblings, she was  taking care of her elderly mother, her mother’s husband, and elderly mother-in-law until they all passed away. Shortly after these events, friends hired her to care for their parents, and now they have passed away. However, she still helps the friends by cleaning their house, completing simple home improvement tasks, and going grocery shopping and ruuning errands for them. M. H. lives with her husband of 42 years. She was raised Roman Catholic, believes in God, but does not attend church regularly. She states that she is an honest, hard-working woman. She takes her dog for a walk several times a day for exercise, and is independent in her activities of daily living. She and her husband enjoy time with family and friends, and host dinners and get-togethers often. Her hobbies include sewing, upholstery, and gardening. Getting 6-8 hours sleep at night is M. H.’s normal pattern, although she has occasional stress-related insomnia. She states she tries to eat healthy, is aware of â€Å"good† versus â€Å"bad† food choices, and does not have any food intolerances. Both her husband and she share the cooking and grocery shopping duties (Jarvis, 2014). A typical daily diet includes a small bowl of whole grain cereal with skim milk or a protein shake for breakfast, soup and/or sandwich for lunch, and a cut of lean meat with a vegetable side for dinner. She and her husband occasionally order pizza, get a fish fry on Fridays during lent, or go out for Chinese food. Normal elimination pattern includes one or two bowel movements a day; she has no problems urinating, although if she drinks regular coffee, it will cause urinary frequency. In regards to interpersonal relationships, she has a very strong relationship with her siblings and their families, her husband’s family, and her children and their families. She enjoys caring for her grandchildren on an â€Å"as needed† basis. She qualifies time spent alone as productive and/or relaxing, stating â€Å"everyone needs a little time alone to work on their own projects† (Jarvis, 2014). She considers her neighborhood, house, and work environment safe. She states she has the â€Å"typical stresses of life, like making money to pay bills, repairing their old house, and being married and  having a family†. Conclusion Based on the results of the comprehensive assessment data, M. H. is a relatively healthy person, who has not had any serious or life-threatening medical problems during her life. She presents with anxiety and anxiety related dizziness that is currently under control with medication. She follows up with her physician and other health care professions on a regular basis, eats healthy, and takes her medications as prescribed. She also has a healthy psychosocial status with family and friends. From a nursing perspective, three nursing diagnoses apply to M. H. in her current situation. The first priority diagnosis is Anxiety (moderate) related to stress as manifested by insomnia and dizziness. Second priority diagnosis is deficient Knowledge related to anxiety and dizziness as manifested by M. H. stating lack of complete understanding of the condition. The third priority diagnosis is disturbed Sensory Perception (kinesthetic) related to psychological stress as manifested by sensory distortions (i.e., dizziness). These diagnoses will assist nurses to identify appropriate interventions that will help M. H. achieve an optimal state of wellness (Doenges, Moorhouse, & Murr, 2010). References Doenges, M. E., Moorhouse, M. F., & Murr, A. C. (2010). Nurse’s pocket guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions, and Rationales (12th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company. Jarvis, C. (2012). Physical Examination and Health Assessment (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Purnell, L. D. (2014). Culturally Competent Health Care (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.